June 2018 Wine Tour and Carol & Fred’s BBQ Club Meeting

Wine Tour to 40 Knots Winery in Comox

Saturday June 23, 2018

Many thanks to our Wagon Master Di, with help from Jill, for organizing this fun event. 6 cars and 12 people wound our way through the back roads to Comox. We made 3 stops along the way, a fruit and vegetable farm, a seafood and meat farm store, and the Fanny Bay Pub. 40 Knots Winery reserved a special parking area for our vehicles and then provided a very nice balcony seating area where we sampled various wines while enjoying our “potluck” lunch provided by ourselves. Photos courtesy of Di.


June Club Meeting and BBQ

at the home of Carol & Fred

Thursday June 28, 2018

Many thanks to Carol and Fred for hosting about 25 Club members and providing the burgers and buns. Everyone brought other delicious foods to add to the main fare. The rain mostly held off, slight drizzle only, but imbibing in some spirits kept most warm!

Randy conducted a short meeting, mostly focused on preparations for our August 12th Show ‘N Shine. Our next meeting, Thursday July 26th at the Golf Club, 7:00 pm, will have us finalize the car show details, including nailing down all the volunteers needed for that day, so please attend.

Fred was taking renewal fees as July 1st is our Club renewal time and he updated us as to how the renewals are going. So please get your $25.00 renewal fee to our new Membership Chair Warren Hiebert, or pay at Wildrose Garden Centre or Gabriola Automotive.

Randy then introduced our incoming President, Steve Wohlleben and thanked him for stepping forward to the position. Steve said a few humourous words about how Randy has moved the club forward with lots of hard work and time spent on our behalf. He then presented Randy with a bent screwdriver with an inscription about “not screwing up” while being our president. See the photos below.

Photos courtesy of Di. Thanks.


Wonderful burgers prepared by our host, Carol

Incoming Prez Steve Wohlleben presents outgoing Prez Randy Phillips with a “gift”
Randy’s memento for “not screwing up” while steering the Club