Christmas Potluck & Brown Bag Auction, 2018

Brown Bag Auction and Pot luck – November

I can barely remember… I believe it was the eve of November 29th in the year 2018 when the Members had been invited to gather to enjoy a pot luck and to bid on some very special gifts at the BROWN BAG Auction! Those 15 or 17 of us (who’s counting?) who appeared roughly at the allocated time, contributed some wonderful food as well as a selection of Brown Bags, some of which turned out to be wrapped in more valuable adornments than the contents deserved (Duct Tape)!

I found the food fantastic and the company even better. I can’t recall all the things I laughed at and who with, but I was worn out at the end of the night! I think Fred won the prize for the highest bid, eventually purchasing a once cherished, 1980’s Chilton Manual for a prize winning ~$25! It will be wonderful as a door stop or for pressing flowers.

We collected 32 lbs of canned goods and donated to them to the local food bank through PHC and the Club raised $128.50.

Thanks again to our gracious Hosts, Wayne and Verenia who welcomed us to their lovely home!

A couple of post Auction comments….

“Hi Steve…Many thanks to Wayne and Verenia for hosting ! The food was outstanding! Rivaled only by the fellowship and camaraderie shared by our members”. – from Randy
“In my words: It’s people that makes the world go round. Food makes us tick. We are so fortunate to have both in abundance sharing lives and stories under Wayne & Verenia’s roof”. –  from Carol


That’s it for this one.
